Jan Willian Van der Steeg, MD published his findings in the December 2007 issue of the journal Human Reproduction. He and his colleagues followed 3,029 couples having trouble conceiving after a year or more of trying. All of the men had normal semen analysis. All of the women were ovulating and had at least 1 functional fallopian tube. All couples were monitored until pregnancy was achieved or fertility treatments began.
The women were noted as underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese, based on their Body Mass Index (BMI). 86% of participants were normal weight or overweight. 10% were obese. To understand BMI, let me give you an example. A woman who is 5’7” tall, who weighs 140 lbs. has a BMI of 22 and is considered weight appropriate. A woman who is 5’7” tall, who weighs 170 lbs. has a BMI 0f 27, she is considered overweight. Now if the woman is 5’7” tall and weighs 190 lbs. or more, she is considered obese with a BMI of 31 or higher.
Women with a BMI of 35 were 26% less likely to naturally conceive on their own, compared to overweight to normal weight women. Women with a BMI of 40 or more, were 46% less likely to conceive on their own. Findings showed the obese women had more trouble conceiving than the other group of women. Despite Van der Steeg’s findings, he and his colleague’s could not find an explanation as to why women who are ovulating regularly, despite being obese, have a harder time conceiving on their own. It has been suggested that high insulin levels effect the hormone leptin, which in turn, may prevent fertilization of the egg. Though he is not for sure.
Increased Infertility Risk for Obese Men
Obesity in men lowers testosterone levels. Chronic low levels of testosterone affect how the testes function, which causes all hormones produced by them, to be out of balance. This may also lead to lowered function of producing mature sperm. Over time this may lead to male infertility. Research shows elevated levels of estrogen in obese men. The sperm of obese men are often abnormal, this increases risk for miscarriage and chromosomal defects in a developing embryo. Obese men also often have sexual dysfunction.
New Research Shows Link Between Pituitary Function and Obesity Related Infertility…
Doctor’s used to think that infertility in relation to obesity was due to chronically high insulin levels present in the body. It was thought that the high insulin levels over time made the muscles and other tissues unaffected by hormone’s signals. Researchers and Johns Hopkins University, led by Andrew Wolfe, discovered that despite chronically high insulin levels, due to obesity in mice, the pituitary gland still is receptive to the signal of insulin, and continues to be signaled to release fertility hormones. This leads to an overabundance of fertility hormones, which disrupts the natural function of the reproductive system, and consequently leads to infertility. No human testing has been done to see if this is in fact the case for humans, but it completely shocked the doctors. The discovery firmly ties metabolism to fertility, which is forcing doctors too look at treating high insulin levels, associated with fertility issues, in a new way. They believe this will be extremely helpful for treating PCOS in the future.
What You Can Do Today To Increase Fertility
Lifestyle and Diet ChangesIf you think obesity may be a factor in your struggles to get pregnant, or carry to term, first chart your BMI. Finding out what your BMI is, may help you to determine if you are considered obese for your height and weight. Make a goal to reduce your BMI to lower than 30, to start with.
- Take a look at your daily eating habits. Keep a journal of everything you eat in a day, this will help you to gain perspective on what you are eating, and how often you are eating.
- Change how you eat and what you are eating. Make a commitment to long-term changes in your relationship to food. Seek the guidance of a nutritionist if necessary. You cannot lose body fat for good, or maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle by only committing to short-term changes. These must be permanent life changes.
- Get moving! Being obese, or even overweight, can make you feel like you have gotten to a place that seems impossible to exercise. Start of slowly. The best exercise you can do, which is also the easiest, is walk. That’s it, begin to go for a 30 minute walk, 5-6 times a week. As you build up stamina, walk farther and faster each day. As you begin to lose weight, consider adding other activities you enjoy. Riding a bike, dancing, yoga, swimming, jogging, ect.
- Be honest with yourself. Sometimes, it can be difficult to face the truths about our unhealthy habits, but you cannot move forward, if you cannot face the truth. Emotional ties to obesity, can be the toughest to confront. The sooner you are honest with your connections to your weight issues, the sooner you can begin to work to heal them.
- Ask for help! Talk to your health care practitioner about helping you to make a plan. This plan may include, seeking the guidance of a nutritionist and personal trainer. Do not worry what people will think of you. Have confidence to seek help from others, you should not have to do this alone! Asking for help, is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
- Enlist a friends help. Partner up with your husband, boyfriend, or close friend, who is in the same boat. You are more likely to stick to your plan, if you know someone else is relying on you to help them. This will also help you to reduce isolation, or depression.
- Reduce stress. I know all of this seems easier said than done. Because of that, you may feel overwhelmed. Increase in stress, can also contribute to hormonal imbalance and infertility. Do one stress relieving activity a day. Meditate, exercise, yoga, journal, counseling, prayer, acupuncture, calming herbs; all of these are ideas to help you keep stress at bay.
- Believe in yourself! I know you can change, I believe in you.
Because of chronic elevated insulin levels, due to obesity, it is first and foremost important to lower body fat. No amount of herbs or supplements are going to be effective, if body fat remains high, and lifestyle and diet changes are not put into place permanently. There are many supportive herbs and supplements out there, but an obese person’s body cannot respond to these as well. The first goal must be to reduce body fat, lose weight, and maintain a healthy weight, long-term. Herbs and supplements may aid in helping to boost fertility along the way, but they cannot be relied on as the solution.
Facts about Medical Options for Obesity Related Infertility
Women and men who seek infertility treatments from their doctors, are more likely to need higher dosages of fertility medications. This may have long-term health implications. Medical fertility treatments are also less likely to be as effective for obese couples. Using fertility medications alone, without weight reduction, are less likely to have positive outcomes. Fertility medications do not solve the obesity problem, even though, they may aid in pregnancy.
Long-term diet and lifestyle changes are the most important factor in successful fertility treatment, whether it be natural support, or medical fertility treatments.
Helpful Resources
Natural Fertility Diet: http://natural-fertility-info.com/fertility-diet
21 Day Fertility Diet Challenge: http://www.naturalfertilitydiet.com/
Weight Loss for Fertilty Support Group: http://fertility.ning.com/group/weightfertilitysupport
Fertility Yoga: http://natural-fertility-info.com/fertility-yoga
Absent Period http://natural-fertility-info.com/how-to-get-your-period-back.html
Men’s Fertility: http://natural-fertility-info.com/mens-fertility
Male Fertility Diet: http://natural-fertility-info.com/male-fertility-diet.html
“Choice is a gift given to everyone. It is a powerful gift that can change your life.”-Unknown
1) webmd.com/infertility-and-reproduction/news/20071211/obesity-linked-to-infertility-in-women
2) www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/63109/title/Study_clarifies_obesity-infertility_link
3) journals.lww.com/co-endocrinology/Abstract/2007/12000/Obesity_and_infertility.11.aspx
4) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0015028208033529
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