Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fertility Q&A: Vitex + Maca + Cleanse?

Q: Hello, I am considering the Fertility Cleanse, along with taking Vitex and Maca
together, is this safe or should I wait until after the cleanse? Also do you think the cleanse would be the best product to start after 4 years of using Birth Control Pills to have a period?

A: We do NOT recommend using Vitex with the Fertility Cleanse Kit. Vitex is best taken after the Fertility Cleanse is over. Maca has been shown safe to use with the Fertility Cleanse, as it is a superfood. We have found that Maca actually supports the body through the cleansing process; providing support for stress, while nourishing the endocrine system through hormonal changes.
The Fertility Cleanse Kit may be one of the best ways to begin your Natural Fertility Journey after prolonged birth control use. In general it is a great way for anyone who is experiencing fertility challenges to create a foundation for hormonal balance and a healthy uterus for implantation. Fertility Cleansing creates a “clean slate” within the body that helps the body to respond and utilize other natural remedies better. To learn the best ways to help get your menstrual cycle to regulate and your body cleansed and nourished after years of birth control use please read our article on the subject at this link: http://natural-fertility-info.com/birth-control-fertility.html
Q: I purchased the Fertility Cleanse Kit and only did Phase II. I did not get to start on Phase III. Do I need to purchase another kit and start over?
A: If you had to stop after phase 2 because you began your period, you can begin the phase 3 uterine cleanse products when your period ends on your next cycle. So you would use the Conceptions Tea and the Women’s Best Friend from after your period ends until day 17 if you are not trying to conceive. If you are trying to conceive stop the products on day 12-13 (ovulation).
Q: I am currently using the FriboWise Remedy and I have a question. After I stop taking the Woman’s Best Friend for 1 month as listed in the instructions, if I need to repeat the treatment do I go back to the 2 pills 3 times daily?
A: For the FibroWise Remedy Kit please follow the instructions that came with the kit. In general it is best to use the Women’s Best Friend for 3 consistent months, 2 capsules 3 times a day with the other products in this kit. For our kits please follow the directions on the instruction paper rather than the product label. This is because the dosages for each product when specified for a kit may be different than what the product label states.
Q: I have long cycles, and have been TTC. I ordered several of your products, through Amazon. Last cycle I didn’t ovulate until cycle day 30, and then after my temp rose, I started using the progesterone cream. I had a 14 day luteal phase. I plan to take this cycle off, as I’m ovulating late and I think that’s effecting egg health etc. I’m a bit confused about when to start using the cream. According to the video you have I should start at day 12, but if I haven’t ovulated wont that prevent ovulation? As I’m planning to skip this cycle of TTC to get my cycles hopefully shorter, should I take progesterone cream on day 12 and on, or should I take it all cycle? What would be the best way to shorten my cycles with this cream? I’m not going to TTC this month.
A: Are you sure that you need to use progesterone cream? Have you had your progesterone levels tested and have you been diagnosed with any fertility issues? Knowing the answers to these questions would be helpful for me to understand what may be going on in your body. If your only issue is really long cycles, but you know you are ovulating you may want to learn about the herb Vitex. Vitex is specific to helping the body by regulating timing of ovulation. Vitex increases luteinizing hormone production while mildly inhibiting the release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). This indirectly boosts progesterone production and chances of achieving and maintaining a successful pregnancy. Vitex has been found to adapt to a woman’s different needs; helping to shorten long cycles, or extend short ones.
For some women their bodies respond well to using Vitex alone to help normalize ovulation timing, regulating the length of the entire cycle, and boosting progesterone. Vitex and Natural Progesterone Cream have been found safe to use at the same time. So for some women they may find great results with Vitex alone and not have to use progesterone cream at all.
The general suggested use for Natural Progesterone Cream would be to use it from day 12-26. That is if you have regular 28 day cycle. A woman who does not have cycle that is regular may need to use the NPC differently. You would continue to chart your cycle and begin the progesterone cream after ovulation. Now if you have always had irregular long cycles you could consider learning how use the NPC to help create a regular 28-30 day cycle by doing 2-3 suppression cycles like you mentioned. For two to four months Dr. John Lee had his patients use natural progesterone from days 5 to 26 in the cycle (stopping on day 26 to bring on menstruation). Using the progesterone prior to ovulation effectively suppressed ovulation. After a few months of this, he had them stop progesterone use. If you still have follicles left, they seem to respond to a few months of suppression with enthusiasm — the successful maturation and release of an egg.
Q: I am 42 years old and have 5 unsuccessful IVFs behind me (one pregnancy, and generally not enough eggs) done over the last 5 years. I have one daughter, 8 years old, naturally conceived with an easy pregnancy. I have been doing your fertility cleanse for over a month combined with a vitamin programme (multi vit, selenium, garlic and vitamin C, nicotinamide) based on a hair analysis from Foresight UK, which shows too much manganese and copper. I have just got my period, which is quite full of old brown blood, and very light. Is this a result of the cleansing? What should I expect?
Please help as I feel very alone. The doctors are not at all helpful with anything to do with herbs and natural cycles.

A: I am sorry to hear of your struggles, it sounds like you have had a long road of disappointment and struggle! You are not alone, many women are in a similar situation. Keep your head up and move forward!
Old brown blood combined with a scanty flow is a sign of uterine stagnation. It sounds like your uterus may need some support to help it cleanse itself. I am glad to hear you have done the Fertility Cleanse as this will help your body to build a healthy foundation for uterine and hormonal health; which will help your body to respond better to other natural remedies. It may be that your uterus needs a little more support. Below are some ideas to help you get started.
The best natural remedies to help improve uterine health are:
1. Walking and Fertility Yoga
2. Self Fertility Massage
3. Dong Quai
4. Red Raspberry Leaf
5. Pregnancy Prep
6. L-Arginine
7. Royal Jelly
To learn more please read our article on this subject called Improve Uterine Health for Fertility, Conception and Implantation.
Another important subject you may want to reasearch would be how to Improve Egg Health in a 90 day time frame.
I know all of this information can seem overwhelming, because of this you may also want to consider a Natural Fertility Consultation. Our email consultations provide you with a written guide to the best natural therapies, herbs and supplements for your unique fertility issues.
Q: Hi, My lady was practicing the stomach massage around the pelvic region and she experienced some pains at the two side of the pelvis, I just want to know if this is normal?
A: It is normal at first have some tender areas around the reproductive organs when beginning the Self Fertility Massage. She should not push so hard that it hurts; lightly rub over those areas. If she has ovarian cysts, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids she may experience some pain as the body and massage work to loosen tight scarred tissues. Whe scar tissue and adhesion are present, they may attach organs to muscles or other parts of the body. The Self Fertility Massage may help to loosen and break those up, which may be uncomfortable at first. If the Self Fertilty Massage is combined with Castor Oil Packs, which is recommended, this therapy will help to further dissolve the scar tissue and adhesion.
Q: Is it ok to use the Fertility Cleanse Kit if I do not have hormonal imbalance? Will it mess up my hormones if I do not have hormonal imbalance? I just had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago, is it ok to begin the Fertility Cleanse Kit now? My body is a little out of its normal routine at the moment.
A: I am sorry for your recent loss. You do not need to have hormonal imbalance to use the Fertility Cleanse Kit. Many women use it to prepare their bodies for conception and pregnancy. Others have used it to keep their fertility healthy. It is a useful tool for anyone who is wanting to keep their hormones balanced, as well as sustain good reproductive health. For women with more severe fertility issues the Fertility Cleanse Kit is a good way to create a healthy foundation for hormone balance and proper reproductive function. The Fertility Cleanse also helps the body respond better to other natural therapies, herbs and supplements used afterward.
6 weeks post miscarriage is a great time to consider the Fertility Cleanse. Your body should be healed up by now and may respond greatly to the herbal support the Fertility Cleanse provides. The Fertility Cleanse may also help to nudge your body back to a regular cycle, so that you can go on to a healthy pregnancy! Miscarriage is tough, be sure to take all the time you need to mourn and process what you have just been through!

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