Thursday, October 31, 2013

Heavy Cell Phone Use Damages Sperm: Increases Risk of Infertility


Researchers found those men who used a phone for four hours or more a day had fewer sperm and those they had moved less well and were of poorer quality leading to infertility issues.
The Ohio study involving 364 men was presented to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in New Orleans.
But a UK expert said it was unlikely the phones were to blame, as they were in use and not near the testes, and it may be being sedentary was the cause.
“If you are holding [the phone] up to your head to speak a lot, it makes no sense that it is having a direct effect on your testes ”
~Dr Allan Pacey, British Fertility Society
The team from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio tested the sperm of 364 men who were being treated at fertility clinics in Mumbai, India, with their partners.
It was found that the heaviest users, those who used their phones for more than four hours a day had the lowest average sperm counts, at 50 million per milliliter (ml) and the least healthy sperm.
BBC, October 2006


I have to disagree with Dr. Paceys statement, he over looked something very important; If a man uses a cell phone four hours a day than it is in his pocket for another 4+ hours, just at work
heavy phone users don’t turn there phones off when they are not using them.
EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies) are sent out from the cell phone when it is turned on to find a signal constantly. The phone is in the pocket right next to the testicles turned on the entire time waiting for a call. So the link with heavy phone users may not be that they ‘talk’ on the phone that long, it is more the habit of having the phone with them, all the time, turned on.
So what to do?
No need to get all excited and throw out the phone. There is a simple solution: I found and use these little chips you can place on the phone that blocks the effects of the EMF’s on the body. You can find them at this website and also tons of EMF research and articles. I would also put some on the laptop also.

Increasing Low Sperm Count and Improving Male Fertility…

Low sperm count and infertility in men is more prevalent than most couples think. There is an equal chance that male factor infertility can be the cause of not getting pregnant as much as a fertility issue being with the woman. While women have many tests to undergo to try to find out the cause of infertility, men have only a couple, the sperm test being the easiest.

Getting Tested

If you have been trying to get pregnant for more than a year, make sure that both of you should go and begin getting testing. There are at-home sperm count tests available in, or you can have a complete semen analysis performed at your doctor’s office.
The results of a good test would be a sperm count of 20 million or more sperm with healthy mobility, motility and morphology. Suboptimal levels are less than 20 million sperm. If you find that your sperm levels are low or are having issues with mobility, motility or morphology, this article will share with you some natural therapies you can use to help improve sperm count and health.

Causes of Low Sperm Count

Natural ways to increase sperm healthThe causes of low sperm count and male infertility are many, but a many of them we do have control over and you can reduce your exposure to them.
Here is a list of the top culprits which many have been shown through studies to be the cause of low sperm count and male infertility.
  • EMF’s – Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) have been shown through studies to lower sperm count due to the heating of the testicles from the EMF’s. Do not keep your cell phone in your pocket and do not place your laptop computer on your lap.

  • Cigarette smoking – Smoking damages the sperm. Period. The good news is the damage done from smoking can be reversed… As long as you quit smoking.

  • Pesticides and hormones in foods – The pesticides found on produce and the hormones added to the dairy and meat have a HUGE effect on men’s hormonal balance. Pesticides mimic estrogens in the body while the added hormones to meat and dairy are actual hormones (like estrogen) you do not want in your system.

  • Soy foodsSoy foods mimic estrogens in the body also. As a man these xenohormones can match up with the receptor sites that testosterone is supposed to go. And create hormonal havoc.

  • Alcohol- In a study of men with poor sperm quality, excessive alcohol consumption was associated with decrease in the number of normal sperm.

  • Plastics – When plastics are heated they release xenohormones which mimic estrogen in the body.

  • Briefs/ boxers – The testicles need to keep the sperm at a healthy temperature (which is less then the bodies temperature). Tight underwear like briefs can keep the testicles from being able to hang and regulate there temperature. (Plus women like boxers on men more anyways)

  • Hot tubs/ bike riding – This again is to help keep the integrity of the sperm by allowing the testicles to regulate the temperature.

  • Stress – Stress can have a big impact on hormonal balance which can have an affect on sperm production.

Diet & Nutrients for Healthy Male Fertility

Diet has a big impact on sperm health and male fertility. What you are eating today is impacting the sperm that will be swimming 3 months from now.
Study findings show a range of 42 to 76 days from the time of sperm production to ejaculation in normal men.
So the changes that you make today are impacting the sperm you will be using two to three months from now. So that is the amount of time it will take for diet, herbs and supplements to have an effect.
Here are the nutrients specifically needed for healthy male fertility diet, they should be added to the diet as well as supplemented:
    In men zinc is considered one of the most important trace minerals to date for male fertility; increasing zinc levels in infertile men has been shown to boost sperm levels; improve the form, function and quality of male sperm and decrease male infertility.
    Food sources: Calf liver, oysters, beef, lamb, venison, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, turkey, green peas, shrimp. Zinc can be damaged by cooking so it is important to eat some foods high in zinc in their raw forms.
    Selenium is necessary for the creation of sperm. In studies men with low sperm counts have also been found to have low levels of selenium.
    Food sources: Liver, snapper, cod, halibut, tuna, salmon, sardines, shrimp, crimini mushrooms, turkey
    Necessary for every cell in the body for energy production, CoQ10 has also been shown in studies to increase sperm health. It is also necessary for sperm motility in semen. It is an important antioxidant that helps to protect cells from free radical damage, protecting DNA.
    Food sources: Found most abundantly in seafood and organ meats, though it is very difficult to obtain through the diet. CoQ10 Ubiquinol supplementation is the best way to obtain CoQ10. Amounts in the body decline with age.
    Vitamin E
    Has been shown in studies to improve sperm health and motility in men. Studies have shown a diet deficient in Vitamin E to be a cause of infertility in rats. The meaning of the name for vitamin E ‘Tocopherol’ literally means to bear young. Vitamin E is also an important antioxidant to help protect sperm and egg DNA integrity.
    Food sources: Sunflower seeds, almonds, olives, spinach, papaya, dark leafy greens.
    Folic acid – New research suggests that folic acid can boost sperm health. Men with low levels of folate had increased risks for sperm that contained too little or too many chromosomes. If an egg is fertilized with one of these abnormal sperm it could result in a birth defect such as downs syndrome, or an increase in miscarriage.
    Food sources: liver, lentils, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, asparagus, spinach, black beans, navy beans, kidney beans, collard greens
    B12- Has been shown to increase sperm counts.
    Food sources: Clams, oysters, muscles, liver, caviar (fish eggs), fish, crab, lobster, beef, lamb, cheese, eggs.
    Vitamin C
    For men, vitamin C has been shown to improve sperm quality and protect sperm from DNA damage; helping to reduce the chance of miscarriage and chromosomal problems. Vitamin C also appears to keep sperm from clumping together, making them more motile.
    Food sources: Abundant in plants and fruits including red peppers, broccoli, cranberries, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, and citrus fruit.
    L-Carnitine – It is a necessary nutrient for sperm cells to function normally. In studies supplementing with L-carnitine helps to normalize sperm motility in men with low sperm quality.
    Antioxidants – Antioxidants are one of the most important components to having healthy fertility that every man and women needs to focus on. Antioxidants help to protect the sperm from free radical damage. Free radicals are able to damage both sperm cell health and the cell’s DNA. The DNA of both partners is the future blueprint for a child. Damaged DNA is known to cause miscarriages or birth defects/developmental problems for the future child. Studies have also shown a connection between oxidative stress caused from free radicals and male infertility. Network Antioxidants was created by Dr. Lester Packer, the leading antioxidant expert in the United States. It contains all of the most important antioxidant nutrients in a capsule form which you can take one capsule, twice a day. This blend is great for both men and women and should be a part of everyone’s health program, especially for sperm health.
To purchase a kit with these ingredients click here…

Hormone Balance

Hormone imbalance is not just something that is reserved for women only. Men can also have imbalanced hormones. Hormones play a large roll in semen production and men’s fertility. One of the main hormones being testosterone. Due to our modern lifestyles and many of the culprits mentioned above, men’s hormones can become imbalanced.
There are pollutants that “mimic” estrogens (xenohormones) in the body which means less testosterone. Excess estrogen in men produces erectile dysfunction, low/lack libido, low sperm count, and lowered production of seminal fluid.
These xenohormones can come from:
  • soy foods
  • pesticides on food
  • hormones added to dairy and meat
  • plastics

5 steps to balancing your hormones:
1. Reduce your exposure to xenohormones
2. Eat only organic meats and dairy
3. Do not eat soy foods.
4. Cleanse the body of excess hormones and toxins. This can be done with a Male Fertility Cleanse
5. Eat lots of fiber and cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables contain a special element that helps the body to rid itself of excess estrogens. You can also take the supplement DIM to have the same effects.

Herbs for Male Fertility & Sperm Health

Photo by Forest & Kim Starr
These traditional herbal tonics have been shown through studies and hundreds of years of use to help men have healthier sperm and increased fertility.
Most of these herbs are adaptogen which help to nourish the endocrine system so all of the hormones are working properly. For best results use these herbs for at least 3 – 6 months.
American Ginseng root (Panax quinquefolius)
American Ginseng may support healthy sex drive, erectile dysfunction and enhance sexual performance in men. Strengthens the HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis, aiding hormonal balance, stress management, immune function.
Ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera)
Traditionally used to improve sex drive and low sperm count. Supports overall endocrine system function for overall hormonal balance.
Epimedium, also known as horny goat weed (Epimedium grandiflorum)
Aphrodisiac, increase in sexual desire and performance. The active ingredient Icariin has been shown to increase nitric oxide; increasing circulation to the extremities. Has been shown useful in aiding sustained erection.
Fo-ti, also known as Ho Shou Wu or He Shou Wu, root (Polygonum multiflorum)
Fo Ti has been traditionally used for men who have low libido, low sperm count, erectile dysfunction and poor sperm motility. Supports fertility longevity.
Ginkgo leaves (Ginkgo biloba)
#1 remedy for erectile dysfunction, increases circulation and is high in antioxidants.
Goji berry, dried fruit (Lycium barbarum,L.chinense)
Goji berries protect sperm from hyperthermia (overheating), increasing hormone levels, sperm quantity and quality through its high antioxidant content. Goji berries support hormonal balance through improved liver function support. Extremely nutritious as well.
Maca root (Lepidium meyenii)
Men who use maca have been seen to have an increased libido and healthy sperm. Increase seminal volume, sperm count per ejaculate, and sperm motility. Maca is wonderful superfood which can be taken in capsules or added to fertility smoothies in powder form.
Saw Palmetto berries (Serenoa repens)
Traditionally use for improving prostate health, impotence, testicular atrophy and improved sex drive in men.
Schisandra fruit and seed (Schisandra chinensis)
Supportive and protective of liver health. Shown to support immunity, endocrine and nervous system function. Studies have shown may increase in sperm count. Aids stress related infertility.
Tribulus, aerial parts and fruit (Tribulus terrestris)
Shown to be effective in aiding sex hormone production, increase in LH and testosterone in men. Tribulus may help to increase in sperm count, motility, and health.
Yohimbe bark (Pausinystalia yohimbe)
Supports healthy circulation to the male reproductive organs. Yohimbe has been shown to help sustain erection and may help to make erection firmer. This herb also supports healthy libido.
To learn more details about our top 5 favorite herbs for improving male fertility click here…
Click here to buy natural products for sperm health…

Have Sex at The Right Time

There is a right time to have sex to optimize your chances of conception and to give sperm an extra boost.
Here are some fertility/sex tips:
  • Know her cycle – Know when she is ovulating. Become interested in knowing the timing of her fertility cycle. If she does not know, find out when her period is. Roughly 12 -14 days after the first day of her period is when she may ovulate. This is a rough estimate because women are all different in there cycles. Some other signs that she is ovulating is she is way more interested in sex and she has some cervical mucous equivalent to egg whites. You can learn more about fertility charting here.
  • Timing is everything. You will not want to have sex 2 -3 days before ovulation so that your sperm supply is built up.
  • Use sperm friendly lubrication.
  • Don’t have sex standing up. This makes it harder for the sperm to reach the cervix.


If you are experiencing low sperm count there are many natural therapies that have been shown to increase sperm count and health. Here is a summary of steps you can take to increase your sperm health:
    1. Get a sperm analysis done.
    2. Reduce and/or eliminate exposure to EMF’s, pesticides, cigarette smoke, soy foods. alcohol, plastics, briefs, hot tubs, bike riding and reduce stress.
    3. Eat a diet and take supplements rich in nutrients specific for sperm and male reproductive health. These nutrients are zinc, selenium, CoQ10, vitamin E, folic acid, B12, L-Carnatine, and a wide range of antioxidants.
    4. Support male hormonal balance and use supportive herbs.
    5. Time baby making sex at the right time. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to Use Systemic Enzyme Therapy to Increase Your Fertility…

What are Enzymes?

Occurring in every living thing on earth, enzymes are biological molecules that catalyze (increase the rate of) chemical reactions. Almost all chemical reactions in the cell need enzymes in order to occur at rates sufficient for life. They build new proteins, cells, tissues and organs, and also tear down these same tissues.
The ability to ward off disease, repair injuries and sustain the body’s homeostasis are all connected to the concentration and strength of enzymes we have in our bodies. There are over 3,000 different types of enzymes in the human body constantly at work initiating millions of chemical reactions every second in the human body. If we did not have enzymes there would be no digestion, no blood coagulation, no reproduction, no breathing and no use of the senses. This gives you an idea of how important enzymes are for the body.
In the body there are many different types of enzymes. We have all heard about digestive enzymes, which help us to digest our food, but there are enzymes that help with all the other functions of the body as well, these are called systemic enzymes. Systemic enzymes work on the entire system.

Benefits of Systemic Enzymes

Systemic enzymes have been studied and shown to provide many benefits beneficial for healthy fertility.
Some of the beneficial actions systemic enzymes have within the body are to counteract chronic inflammation, reduce the substances in the blood that trigger an hyper-autoimmune response, break down fibrin (the substance that scars are made from) and improve blood flexibility and flow. All of these actions can help to support healthy reproductive function.
Anti-Inflammatory Effect
Systemic enzymes help to break down the substances in the blood that create inflammation and infection. This may benefit those experiencing inflammation from endometriosis by reducing the inflammation caused from the scar tissue irritating the surrounding organs and may help with the pain that sometimes comes from having endometriosis.
Regulatory Effect on the Immune System
Systemic enzymes help support the body to reduce a hyper-immune response in the body. One study has shown that they may help to prevent the rejection of the fetus (recurrent miscarriage) and help with other issues related to reproductive immunological imbalances.
Systemic enzymes have also shown to benefit autoimmune hypothyroidism – Hashimoto’s. One study noted that taking Wobenzym resulted in a reduction of autoimmune antibodies that attack the thyroid. Hypothyroidism can be a cause of infertility or recurrent miscarriages.
Breaks Down Scar Tissue
Some systemic enzymes have the ability to break down fibrin, the substance that makes up scar tissue. Scar tissue and adhesion causing fertility issues can form for a variety of reasons including uterine fibroids, pelvic surgery such as Cesarean Section, PID, damage to fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, IUD, or abortion.
How systemic enzyme blends eliminate scar tissue:
  • The systemic enzyme blend works as a biological response modifier; working with the bodies own immune defense system to moderate inflammatory response.
  • They support cleansing of the tissues, promote better circulation.
  • They break down and remove “fibrin”, the make-up of prolonged inflammation and scar tissue/adhesion formation.
  • They break down the proteins in the blood that cause inflammation, this facilitates their removal via the lymphatic and circulatory system.
  • Reduction in inflammation , increase in proper blood formation, increase in proper circulation hinders scar tissue and adhesion formation, while reducing pain.

Improves Blood Flow

Systemic enzymes cleanse the blood, promotes circulation an stimulates the formation of new, healthy tissue.
Proteolytic enzymes improves blood flow by increasing the flexibility of red blood cells, inhibiting the aggregation of platelets, and helps to prevent abnormal blood clotting. Systemic enzymes also help to support the cleansing of the tissues and promotes better circulation as well as stimulating formation of new, healthy tissue. Simplified they make the blood less “sticky”. This is beneficial for reproductive health in many ways.
The blood cleansing actions of systemic enzymes help to bring proper circulation to the reproductive system and get the “stagnant blood” cleared out helping to remove toxins and also bringing fresh oxygenated blood to your uterus, ovaries and eggs. Imbalances which are considered stagnant are endometriosis, PCOS, heavy dark menses, ovarian cysts and uterine cysts. The fresh oxygenated, free flowing blood is also able to transport more nutrients to the eggs, supporting egg health.

Types of Systemic Enzymes and Their Actions:

The benefits mentioned above have been validated through studies done over the last 40 years on an enzyme blend containing these specific enzymes:
  • Bromealin: Breaks down protein and is a beneficial as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Chymotrypsin: Breaks down proteins, primary anti-fibroid enzyme and has a beneficial effect on the blood. It also works as a catalyst joining the actions of all the enzymes in the blend.
  • Pancreatin: A combination of pancreatic enzymes secreted by the pancreas. Made up of amylase, lipase and protease. These enzymes help to break down carbohydrates, regulates histamine, breaks down fats, helps reduce cholesterol, supports hormone production, bonds with alpha 2-macro-globulin to support immune function, reduces inflammation and increases circulation.
  • Papain: Extracted from papaya, papain breaks down protein and is most beneficial as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Rutin: Breaks down protein and is as beneficial as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Trypsin: breaks down proteins and can have beneficial effects on the blood, such as reducing the risk of blood clots.

Systemic Enzyme Therapy for Fertility

Systemic Enzyme Therapy is a natural method utilizing these unique enzymes to help support reproductive health and fertility. There are many fertility issues that may be supported with the use of systemic enzymes. Plan on using them for at least 3 months or more before you begin trying to get pregnant, depending on how long the issues has been around. Here are some of the issues systemic enzymes may help with:
Systemic Enzyme Therapy is one of the best and most effective natural therapies for endometriosis. Systemic enzymes may help to reduce the scar tissue and breakdown the excess tissues left from endometriosis.
Systemic Enzyme Therapy may also aid women who have endometriosis by reducing the inflammation caused from the scar tissue irritating the surrounding organs and may help with the pain that sometimes comes from having endometriosis.
The blood cleansing actions of this therapy help to bring proper circulation to the reproductive system and get the “stagnant blood” cleared out, bringing fresh oxygenated blood to your uterus and ovaries.
For this purpose it is best to start the Systemic Enzyme Therapy with The Fertility Cleanse. For endometriosis it is suggested to stay on the Systemic Enzyme Therapy for at least three months prior to trying to get pregnant so all of the stagnant tissues and scar tissues can be cleared.
Recurrent Miscarriage
For recurrent pregnancy losses caused from either immunological response or blood clotting, Systemic Enzyme Therapy is an affective option. In a five year study women who had experienced a recurrent miscarriage due to immunological response (more than 30% of miscarriages) were put on a systemic enzyme supplement before and during there pregnancies(1). 79% of the women carried out their pregnancies to term and gave birth to healthy babies. This is an amazing discovery. The only options available before this study were anti-immunological agents similar to the type used in transplant patients, but most doctors will not use them due to there toxicity during pregnancy.
The best product we have found and the product that was actually used in the study mentioned above is Wobenzym N. It is the only systemic enzyme product that has been studied and used during pregnancy. You can also use this study if you would like to talk to your doctor about using this product during pregnancy.
Uterine Fibroids and Cysts
The systemic enzymes have been shown in research to reduce the engorgement (swelling and pain) of fibrocystic conditions. They also eat away at the cysts reducing their size or eliminating them over time. With uterine fibroids it is important to also make sure you are reducing your estrogen exposure and actively getting rid of excess estrogens, this can be done with the estrogen metabolizer DIM.
Using Systemic Enzyme Therapy is one of the two most important natural therapies for uterine fibroids. I have not found a more powerful way of reducing or supporting the body in eliminating uterine fibroids.
Old Scar Tissue and Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Systemic Enzyme Therapy can help to reduce the scar tissues left from surgeries like cesareans, PID, tubal reversal, abdominal surgery, etc. which may be affecting your reproductive system. Specific systemic eat away and reduces the fibrin (the material that makes up scar tissue) over time. This therapy is extremely effective at reducing scar tissues.
Scar tissue and adhesion causing fertility issues can form for a variety of reasons: uterine fibroids, pelvic surgery such as Cesarean Section, PID, damage to fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, IUD, or abortion.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
A systemic enzyme blend was studied and found to be as effective as medication at helping the body to overcome Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). PID is a general term used to describe inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, and/or fallopian tubes. PID can be cuased by parasitic, viral, fungal, but most often through bacterial infection. If left untreated PID can lead to scar tissue and adhesion formation. If PID advances to this stage it may lead to blocked fallopian tubes and sterility in women. PID often comes from Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD’s). 2/3 of women who have undergone laparascopic surgery to determine infertility cause who were found to have PID were unaware they even had PID.
A randomized double -blind study was performed on 100 women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. One group was given 5 tablets of Wobenzym N, three times a day. The control group was given an NSAID drug in the usual dosage. Both groups were also given antibiotics (PID requires antibiotics). The patients were given the treatment for 16 or 17 days. Wobenzym N performed with amazing results in fighting damage to tissues, pain, inflammation and overall pelvic congestion. 57% of women using Wobenzyme N were without any complaints, whereas only 6% of women who took NSAIDs were without complaints. Overall, 100% of the the patients who use Wobenzyme N reported their condition as substantially improved, compared to only 73.5 % using the NSAIDs. In addition studies have shown Wobenzym N enhances the body’s response to use of antibiotic medications.
Supporting Egg Health
One of the major factors for increasing egg health is to increase the circulation to the ovaries. Systemic Enzyme Therapy can help to cleanse the blood, increase circulation and make the blood less “sticky”. For best results use the Systemic Enzyme Therapy in conjunction with the OvaWise Health Program.

How to Use Systemic Enzymes

For the best results you must take a high quality systemic enzyme that contains the specific enzymes listed in the ‘Types of Enzymes’ list. The one we feel is the best is the enzyme blend that was used in the studies mentioned through out this guide and has been studied and used for over 40 years – Wobenzym N.
“Wobenzym N is the most thoroughly researched enzyme mixture available worldwide. Wobenzym N contains five potent enzymes including pancreatin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, bromelain, and papain, as well as the bioflavanoind rutin. Wobenzym is clearly the most scientifically and clinically validated enzyme formula in the world.” -Michael Loes, M.D., M.D. (H.)
Wobenzym N combines all the beneficial delicate enzymes and is protected by a vegetable-based enteric coating which ensures optimal absorption and utilization in the blood stream.
Suggested Usage: Adults take three (3) tablets, twice daily, on an empty stomach, with water at least 45 minutes before meals and 2 hours after eating to take your enzymes.
Advanced usage: Adults may gradually increase to 12 per day by taking 3 tablets 4 times per day on an empty stomach.
Take on an empty stomach: This is very important. The enzymes need to make it past the stomach to be absorbed in the intestine. Do not take with food. Wait at least 45 minutes before eating and 2 hours after eating to take your enzymes.

Safety & Side Effects

There has been no toxicity shown from using systemic enzymes. There is no dangerous or lethal dose of systemic enzymes. These enzymes are the same enzymes the body naturally contains. Wobenzym can be used in preconception and has been shown to be helpful throughout pregnancy (see above information) with the agreement/approval of your doctor.
Stop taking systemic enzymes two weeks prior to any type of surgery. Use systemic enzymes in preparation for conception, not while you are pregnant or may be pregnant. If you are using Wobenzym for possible miscarriage prevention, please talk with your doctor and get their approval for use during pregnancy.

Use During Pregnancy

Wobenzym can be used in preconception and has been shown to be helpful throughout pregnancy to help prevent recurrent miscarriage due to immunological imbalances (see study under Recurrent Miscarriage section) with the agreement/approval of your doctor. Please consult with your doctor or midwife before using any supplements during pregnancy

Herbal Fertility Massage Oil – Nurturing the Reproductive System

Humans have used medicinal herbal oils dating back thousands of years. Many of the herbs we work with for fertility health can be of great benefit for the health of the female reproductive system when applied as a massage oil, prior to Self Fertility Massage, or as part of a simple daily abdominal massage. The purpose of using a fertility massage oil is to restore and maintain the health of reproductive system. Specific herbs when applied externally as a medicinal massage oil to the area above the female reproductive organs, may help to dissolve ovarian cysts, soften the tissues of the reproductive organs and surrounding areas, tone the uterus, balance the hormones, increase circulation, increase chi (life force), and increase yin. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), yin represents the feminine, promoting a cool, relaxed state of being.
Medicinal herbs contain a variety of natural chemical compounds, which when taken internally or applied externally, have an action on the body. Today I am going to share with you the benefits of applying specific herbs for fertility topically, as part of a fertility massage oil.

Fertility Massage Oil Benefits

Medicinal Herbs And Essential Oils Infused In A Base Oil

All massage oils begin with a carrier oil. A carrier oil is the base in which the herbs will be added. We like grapeseed oil for its very mild odor, long lasting shelf life and perfect texture. Grapeseed oil is easily absorbed into the skin.
In a base of grapeseed oil, specific dried plant parts can be added, left to sit and steep, and over time the base oil will extract the medicinal properties of that plant. This makes the base of the medicinal oil.
    Calendula petals (Calendula officinalis)
    Calendula is probably best known for its excellent action in healing ailments of the skin, but many of its actions support healthy fertility. It is soothing and nourishing to the skin, but it is also anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying for the tissues of the body through its action on the lymphatic system. Calendula promotes regular menstrual cycles, promotes healthy digestion, stimulates liver function, reduces painful menstruation and diminishes uterine congestion and ovarian cysts.
    Yarrow aerial parts (Achillea millefolium)
    Yarrow relieves inflammation and congestion of the uterus, which aids in pain reduction, as well as proper circulation to the reproductive organs. Yarrow works to detoxify and strengthen the tissue of the reproductive tissues, aiding the body in dissolving ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and foreign tissues. Yarrow is excellent at balancing menstruation, curbing heavy bleeding, yet promoting healthy bleeding for those with scant cycle. It also helps promote proper function of the muscles of the uterus.
    Motherwort aerial parts (Leonurus cardiaca)
    This herb contains the alkaloid leonurine, which has a relaxing effect on smooth muscle, making it very effective at reducing uterine muscle spasm, cramping and improving uterine tone. Motherwort supports the nervous system and heart, dispelling depression and relaxing away nervous tension. Motherwort has been placed on the abdomen of women for thousands of years to promote regular menstruation, reduce menstrual cramps, and improve blood stagnation.
    Damiana (Turnera diffusa)
    Damiana helps to increase circulation and blood supply to the uterus and vagina in order to oxygenate cells in the region and boost libido. This herb works to increase reproductive chi, is harmonizing for the menstrual cycle, is invigorating and warming.

Additional Benefit: Pure Essential Oils

Once the medicinal herbs are infused in the carrier oil for the appropriate time, they are then strained off; the result of which is a potent medicinal oil. At this point, essential oils, also known as volatile oils are added.
There are certain herbs that contain volatile oils, which make the plant aromatic; these are known as essential oils. Pure essential oils are extracted by a complex and careful process of distillation, by experts. They are highly concentrated and must always be used topically in a base oil, so as not to hurt the skin. Essential oils have the added benefit of serving mental and emotional health through their scent, as well as positively impacting the physical body.
    Wild French Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
    Lavender is balancing and normalizing for all of the body systems. It is a great circulatory stimulant, immune stimulant, balancing for all body systems and is very helpful for mood swings associated with PMS or hormonal imbalance. Overall this herb is very calming and balancing to all aspects of being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
    Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
    This oil is an adrenal cortex stimulant; helping to regulate and balance hormones. It also helps to detoxify the lymphatic system, helps to alleviate anxiety, and is antidepressant. Geranium helps prevent PMS symptoms and is balancing for the entire menstrual cycle. Geranium promotes a sense of security and comfort and strengthens chi. This is one of the best essential oils to counteract mood swings.
    Sweet Marjoram (Majorana hortensis)
    This is a great oil for preventing and soothing menstrual cramps. Marjoram reduces pain on all levels. This fortifying, comforting and warming herb, helps to relax the muscles. It dilates the blood vessels, promoting a warming effect to where it is applied. Marjoram brings about a sense of comfort. This herb also helps to relieve problems with digestion. It is said that this herb brings out hidden strength and endurance.
    Rose Otto (Rosa damascena)
    This oil helps promote regulation of the menstrual cycle and has been shown helpful for women who have trouble conceiving. Rose relaxes the uterus. It is aphrodisiac, helping to inspire confidence in expressing oneself sexually. It is extremely effective in treating depression and grief.
    Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
    The EO of ginger is warming, increasing circulation and promoting healthy digestion. It is toning to the heart and is said to warm the body and mind. Ginger promotes relaxation and eases tension of the muscles. Psychologically it is arousing and stimulating. It increases determination and is helpful in aid the person to follow through with their dreams and goals.
    Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)
    Grapefruit EO is excellent for moving the lymph and moving congestion out of the liver, for improved hormonal balance. It is uplifting, reviving and cleansing to the mind. Helps alleviate stress, depression, tension and nervous exhaustion. Promotes optimism.
    Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
    This EO is hormone balancing, help relieve PMS, and is calming. Clary sage is said to produce a “narcotic like high,” helping to reduce pain. It is an extremely effective uterine tonic and has been said to have estrogenic effects that help to regulate the menstrual cycle. It is also very effective in treating depression and anxiety.
    Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)
    This sensuous EO helps to release inhibitions, increase libido and bring out fiery passions. The plant helps to relieve nervous tension, depression and counteract anger. Psychologically it creates a sense of peace and allows for the release of repressed inner feelings.
Click here to purchase a therapeutic massage oil with these ingredients…

How Does Fertility Massage Oil Affect Us Internally?

The Skin

When the body is massaged with a herb infused oil combined with essential oils, the skin is coated with the oils. Our skin can absorb substances with small molecular structures. The oils are then absorbed into our skin and underlying tissues and taken throughout the body via blood. The particles are taken to where they will be most beneficial. Our bodies have a great intelligence and know where these particles are most needed for healing; just like when we eat something, our bodies break-down and digest the foods, and the different parts of the food (ie: nutrients, minerals, proteins, fats,etc…) when broken-down into particles are taken to different parts of our bodies, the parts where they are needed.
Once the essential oil particles are in our bodies they also have an effect on our mind; emotionally and psychologically. Many essential oils not only affect our bodies physically, they may also have the ability to reduce depression, feelings of anxiety or mental fatigue. Some of the most potent and sweet part of medicinal herbs are their volatile oils.

The Nose and Lungs

The vapors from the oils are breathed into our lungs. The vapors are tiny particles that travel down our airway directly into our lungs. The particles of the essential oils are mixed with oxygen and are exchanged for carbon dioxide when we breathe. The oxygen molecules along with the essential oil vapors, are carried throughout our bodies via our blood. The olfactory glands signal different parts of the brain and directly link smells to certain memories and emotions. Essential oils smell wonderful, uplift our spirits, as well as heal and promote overall balance through their action on a variety of different aspects that make up who are are; balance through body, mind and spirit.

How to Apply Fertility Massage Oil

This oil is designed for use during Self Fertility Massage. Once you are lying comfortably on your back and ready to begin your guided Self Fertility Massage, dispense one or two pumps of the Fertility Massage Oil into the palm of the hand. With your other hand you can begin to place the oil directly onto your abdomen, or rub hands together to coat with oil and rub in a clockwise motion onto the abdomen just prior to beginning the Self Fertility Massage session. Fertility Massage Oil should also be used while massaging the ankles and the bottoms of the feet as well.
If you do not have time to do Self Fertility Massage some days, go ahead and simply rub the Fertility Massage Oil into the abdomen. It will still be beneficial.
To remove from hands, simply wipe with clean cloth and then wash with soap and water. You can also just keep rubbing it in and allowing it to soften the skin on your hands.
Important caution: Not for use after ovulation if you are actively trying to conceive. Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Do not take Fertility Massage Oil internally. Never apply to broken skin. If you get essential oils in your eye, mouth or open wound flush thoroughly with whole milk, half ‘n half or buttermilk, the fat molecules from the whole fat milk or cream will absorb and flush away the essential oils. Do not use water; it will just spread the oils around.
1. Farrer-Halls, Gill. The Aromatherapy Bible, Sterling Publishing, 2005
2. Hoffmann, David. The New Holistic Herbal, Element Books, 1990

Castor Oil Therapy for Reproductive Health

Castor oil therapy has been used for centuries to promote healing in the body and more specifically the reproductive system. By applying a castor oil pack externally, positive benefits have been found.

What is Castor Oil?

Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the Castor plant (Ricinus communis), also known as Palma Christi. Castor oil has been used for thousands of years, dating back as far as 4,000 years.

What is a Castor Oil Pack?

A Castor Oil Pack is a cloth soaked in castor oil which is placed on the skin to enhance circulation and promote healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin.

What Can a Castor Oil Pack be Used for?

How To Use A Castor Oil Pack
Castor oil has been traditionally used to aid in cases with inflammation, pain, growths or when increased circulation was desired. When it comes to fertility Castor Oil packs could be a great, supportive and relaxing therapy for:
  • Supports ovarian health*
  • Supports fallopian tube health*
  • Supports uterine health*
  • Detoxifying before conception*
  • Supports Egg Health*

How Do Castor Oil Packs Promote Healing?

Castor oil packs stimulate 3 important parts of the body: lymphatic and circulatory systems and the liver. The stimulation of these body systems aids the body in healing the organs and tissues beneath where the castor oil pack is applied.
    Lymphatic System
    The lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes and lymph, a clear to yellowish fluid. Lymphocytes are the cells of the lymphatic system. Lymphocytes to help provide immunological defense against disease. This system runs throughout our entire body. Lymph nodes are concentrated in certain areas of the body. Many lymph nodes surround the reproductive organs.
    The lymphatic system removes toxins and waste from the area stimulated by the castor oil pack. They lymphatic system provides each cell in the body a means to get rid of waste. They lymphatic system relies on external movement and manipulation, as well as regular movement of the entire body to function. The lymphatic system does not have a “pump” to move the lymph through it like the circulatory system has the heart. Castor oil packs are one way to stimulate movement of lymph. Regular exercise is also a vital way to maintain lymphatic system health.
    Stimulation of the lymphatic system occurs by applying the Castor oil pack over the reproductive system. This helps to cleanse the reproductive organs and promote healing of damaged tissues where the pack is applied.
    Circulatory System
    The circulatory system is more familiar to most people, the most familiar parts being the heart, blood, veins and arteries. It runs throughout the entire body.
    The promotion of circulation by the castor oil pack will bring in fresh oxygenated, nutrient rich blood to the reproductive organs, including the uterus. Without proper circulation to the reproductive organs, they may not function at their best, this may invite disease, hinder proper healing of damaged areas, promote formation of scar tissue and adhesion.
    The Liver
    The liver is our chemical processing plant. The liver removes hormones, drugs, and other biologically active molecules from the blood. It then converts these by changing their structure or inactivating them, through different processes, and then excretes these to be passed through the kidneys. If there are too many excess toxins and hormones overwhelming the liver, they may be stored up, not only in the liver, but other parts of our body, especially fat.
    The liver also makes 1/3 to 1/2 of all lymph. Liver health is vital to proper function of the lymphatic system. A liver that is overwhelmed due to poor diet, poor lifestyle choices, being sedentary, or exposure to xenohormones, cannot adequately function, or produce lymph as well. This may contribute to hormonal imbalance and disease.

How to Use a Castor Oil Pack

Soak the flannel cloth that is contained in the kit with castor oil and place it on the skin. Cover the flannel with a sheet of plastic, and then a how water bottle or heating pack is placed over the plastic to heat the pack. Cover everything with a towel and relax.
The best place to place a castor oil pack for fertility issues if over the lower abdomen.
Precautions: Castor oil should not be taken internally. It should not be applied to broken skin. It should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or during menstruation. If you are actively trying to conceive, discontinue use after ovulation has occurred.

How to prepare your Castor Oil Pack


  • One flannel cloth contained in the kit
  • One bottle of Castor oil contained in the kit
  • Plastic wrap cut one to two inches larger than the flannel (can be cut from a plastic bag)
  • Hot water bottle
  • Container with lid
  • Old clothes and sheets. Castor oil will stain clothing and bedding.

Step-by-step instructions

1. Place the flannel in the container. Soak it in castor oil so that it is saturated, but not dripping.
2. Place the pack over the affected body part.
3. Cover with plastic.
4. Place the hot water bottle over the pack. Leave it on for 30-45 minutes. Rest while the pack is in place.
5. After removing the pack, cleanse the area with a dilute solution of water and baking soda.
6. Store the pack in the covered container in the refrigerator. Each pack may be reused up to 25-30 times.
To purchase a kit that contains this therapy click here…


Castor oil packs stimulate important detoxification systems in the body; the lymphatic system and the liver. Castor oil packs also stimulate healthy circulation. All of this is important for clearing out toxins, dead or foreign tissues and old blood. The stimulation of these systems may also help prevent disease in the reproductive organs. Castor oil packs are a great way to support a healthy reproductive system.
1. Van De Graaff, Kent M., Stuart, Ira Fox, LaFluer, Karen M., Synopsis of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1997
2. Ley, Beth M. Ph.D., Castor Oil! It’s Healing Properties, BL Publications, 2003

How to Use Self Fertility Massage™ to Boost Your Chances of Conception

Self Fertility Massage™ is a series of massage techniques that are used to help support reproductive health, the menstrual cycle, and your fertility. I created this natural fertility therapy to help women apply the fertility massage techniques for themselves. Self Fertility Massage™ is a very effective and low cost way to boost your fertility naturally and help reduce the effects of fertility issues on your body.
I have worked with thousands of clients as a massage therapist over the last decade and have seen many life changing results from the use of massage therapy. The techniques taught in Self Fertility Massage™ help the body to become balanced, have healthy circulation, increase the immune systems health, decrease stress, and much much more.

The Benefits of Self Fertility Massage™

There are many reproductive benefits to receiving fertility massage.
Regularly receiving fertility massage provides many benefits for the reproductive system. Some of the benefits are:
  • Helps to reposition a tilted uterus
  • Promotes hormonal balance
  • Massage helps to break up scar tissue
  • Helps to bring fresh blood to the uterus
  • Helps to reduce stress & stress hormones
  • Increases circulation to the uterus & cervix
  • Improves endocrine system communication
  • Encourages the liver to get rid of excess hormones
  • Promotes hormonal balance by strengthening the hormonal feedback loop
  • Helps the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood and tissues

By now you can see that using massage therapy to help your fertility is very beneficial. There are many issues that fertility massage may be able to help. Take the quiz below and see if Self Fertility Massage™ is right for you…

Is Self Fertility Massage™ For You?

Ask you experiencing any of the following?
Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Blood clots during menstruation
Ovarian Cysts
Hormonal Imbalances
Uterine Fibroids
Unexplained Infertility
High FSH levels
Poor Egg Health
Ovarian Failure
Stress from infertility
Lack of menstruation
Excessive Mensuration
Pain during ovulation
Tilted uterus
Scar tissue

Can Self Fertility Massage™ Help with Fertility Issues?

There are many fertility issues that Self Fertility Massage™ can assist with. Some of these fertility issues are:

Blocked Fallopian Tubes

One of the greatest benefits of massage is the ability to break up adhesions. Self Fertility Massage™ gently helps to break up adhesions while helping the body to get rid of the remaining tissues. The techniques used in Self Fertility Massage include massaging the fallopian tubes in addition to the uterus and ovaries. Massage provides a great non-intrusive option for women with blocked fallopian tubes.


Self Fertility Massage™ helps the body with congestive issues like endometriosis. When endometriosis begins to grow in other areas of the body besides the uterus, irritation occurs which then can create scar tissue. This in turn can cause organs to begin to become stuck together by the scar tissue and tight fascia. It may also cause fallopian tubes to begin to twist. Massage can be used to help breakup the adhesions, decrease the inflammation, and help the body to rid itself of the old blood left from the endometrial tissues.
Self Fertility Massage™ may also help with the occasional pain that is caused from endometriosis. Endorphins are released during a massage which help to reduce pain and stress.


Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome is another fertility issue that causes stagnation in the body. When ovulation does not occur and a cyst begins to grow on the ovaries, this causes a series of imbalances to occur. One of the main ones being hormonal imbalance. Self Fertility Massage™ includes techniques which promote the hormonal feedback loop to communicate fully which in turn help the body to ovulate, menstruate, and have a healthy balance. Massage also can help to bring circulation to the ovaries, helping to nourish and bring fresh blood to your eggs. While diet is still the #1 therapy for PCOS, Self Fertility Massage™ can really help to make a difference.

Unexplained Infertility

When it comes to unexplained infertility the best approach is to focus on creating a healthy body, a healthy mind, and bringing balance to your life. This approach helps to cover all bases and create a healthy body without causing further harm. Self Fertility Massage™ can be helpful if you are experiencing unexplained infertility in many ways. The techniques help to increase circulation which in turn helps to increase egg health by bringing fresh oxygenated, nutrient filled blood to the eggs. Self Fertility Massage™ also helps with stress that comes along with infertility. Stress has been shown in studies to affect hormonal balance by increasing prolactin (the hormone that keeps you from getting pregnant while you are breastfeeding).

Ovarian Cysts

One of the main benefits of Self Fertility Massage™ is that it increases circulation to the ovaries. This can be helpful if you have ovarian cysts by helping to clear out congestion, reduce inflammation, and promoting hormonal balance. In conjunction with reducing environmental and dietary estrogen, Self Fertility Massage™ should be a part of every woman’s fertility program.

Menstrual Cramps

Do you get cramps every menstrual cycle? While there are many different causes of menstrual cramps, massage may help most of them. Let’s look at a couple of reasons menstrual cramps occur:

  • The uterus is contracting to expel old blood
  • A “cold uterus” – This is a term used in TCM which means a uterus that is lacking proper circulation.
  • Scar tissue left from surgery, PID, or endometriosis may cause a lot of pain when the uterus contracts during menstruation.
  • Nutritional deficiencies have been shown to effect PMS and menstrual cramps.
  • Tilted uterus

The Reproductive SystemSelf Fertility Massage™ encourages a healthy uterus by helping if the uterus is tilted, brings circulation to a “cold uterus”, helps to break up scar tissue and adhesions, brings fresh blood which carries nutrients to the uterus, and brings overall help to the reproductive system

Hormonal Imbalances

Massage encourages a healthy communication between the pituitary, hypothalamus, and ovaries. This is called the “feedback loop”. It controls the levels of hormones produced in the body. By massaging the ovaries and including the stress relieving benefits of massage, a healthier balance can be found in the body. In Self Fertility Massage™ the liver is also massaged, which is another important organ for hormonal balance.

Improving Egg Health

One of the foundations of natural fertility is promoting egg health through eating nutrient dense foods and antioxidants which help to protect the eggs integrity from free radicals. Another important aspect to egg health is proper oxygen, nutrients, and circulation. Self Fertility Massage™ helps to bring much needed circulation to the ovaries, therefore supplying the eggs with oxygen and antioxidants.

Stress caused from fertility issues

While trying to stay stress free during your journey towards motherhood is important, it can sometimes seem impossible. Self Fertility Massage™ is a very relaxing routine that you can also use as a stress relieving therapy. While you are receiving a massage, the body begins to relax, blood flow increases, endorphins (feel good hormones) release, and muscles let go. Making Self Fertility Massage™ a part of your routine can bring a peace to your day that is priceless.

Poor circulation

Many health issues can be traced back to poor circulation. Having healthy circulation is key to fertility and overall health because getting fresh, clean, oxygenated blood to our organs and cells is of the up most importance. Massage helps the body to return blood to the heart for oxygen, helps to move lymph, and helps the body to process and get rid of toxins found in organs and muscles. There are many causes of poor circulation. The main ones being:
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Sitting for long periods of time
  • Lack of exercise
  • High cholesterol

Click here to purchase the Self Fertility Massage™ DVD…

How Self Fertility Massage™ Works…

Massage has been used for centuries to help women increase their fertility and create a healthy uterus. To understand how Self Fertility Massage works you will need to understand the female reproductive anatomy. There are three major fertility organs that Self Fertility Massage is going to effect. The uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries as well as the stomach, liver, and intestines.

Uterine Massage

The Reproductive SystemThe uterus is located behind the bladder in the bottom of the pelivic cavity. Self Fertility Massage helps a uterus that has become tilted, compressed by fecal impacted intestines, and lack of circulation. There are various reasons the uterus may not be getting enough circulation.
The main artery that supplies the uterus with blood also supplies the legs with blood. If you lead a sedentary or stressful life the circulation could easily be compromised. There are many other reasons the uterus may not be getting enough circulation such as twisted fallopian tubes, congestion, tight facia, inflammation, endometrial tissues, scar tissues, or past surgeries to the area.

Ovary Massage

The ovaries are located in front of the uterus, next to the pelvic bone. Self Fertility Massage can help the ovaries by bringing fresh oxygenated blood and nutrients to the eggs.

Fallopian Tube Massage

The fallopian tubes are attached to the sides of the uterus. Self Fertility Massage is very helpful in helping the body to clear blocked tubes and helping to loosen scar tissue in the reproductive system.

Stomach Massage

Self Fertility Massage massages the organsWe will also be massaging the stomach, liver and intestines. Massaging the stomach is important for helping digestion and reducing stress. You may notice once we start the massage that your stomach may feel hard to the touch or tight. A lot of people hold stress in their stomachs. Dr. John Lee also says that hormonal balance starts in the digestive system.

Liver Massage

Liver massage helps the liver to do its job of getting toxins and excess hormones out of the body.The liver is located on the right side of the body just behind and below the bottom ribs. We will be doing a technique called the liver pump. This technique helps the liver to pump out toxins and excess hormones.

Intestine Massage

Massaging the intestines is important for general health and fertility. By massaging the intestines you are helping your body to eliminate feces that may be stuck or impacted. Digestive and intestine health is very important for fertility. Many of the nutrients are absorbed from food in the upper intestines. In addition fecal impacted intestines can become heavy and put unnecessary weight on the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

Click here to purchase the Self Fertility Massage™ DVD…


  • Do not do Self Fertility Massage™ while you are menstruating
  • Do not do Self Fertility Massage™ if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant
  • If you are currently trying to conceive, do fertility massage from the last day or your period until ovulation.
  • Discontinue Self Fertility Massage™ once you find out you are pregnant
  • If you have health issues consult with your physician before beginning Self Fertility Massage

Techniques Used in Self Fertility Massage

A wide range of massage techniques are used in Self Fertility Massage™.
Self Fertility Massage™ incorporates Chi Nei Tsang (Asian organ massage), deep tissue massage, myofascial release, acupressure, reflexology and castor oil therapy.

Chi Nei Tsang

Self Fertility Massage helps to bring balanceChi Nei Tsang is an ancient form of organ massage. It is a massage technique used to clear blocked energy, tension, stress that accumulates in the organs, release toxins, clears excessive heat, or helps with heat deficiencies such as a cold uterus. The basis of Chi Nei Tsang is based on helping the flow of chi or the bodies life force to travel smoothly through the entire body. If there is a health issue somewhere, that is a sign of blocked or stagnant chi. Chi Nei Tsang helps to clear that blockage so the chi can continue flowing and help the body to heal itself.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is a massage technique that helps to break up adhesions, increase circulation, and aids in detoxification. This is one of the most popular types of massage. The slow, deep motions of this massage helps to relax the body while promoting fresh blood flow to the area you are massaging.

Myofacial Release

Myofacial release is a massage technique that helps to release the myofacial tissue that surrounds all organs and muscles. This tissue can become twisted and adhered over time. Releasing the myofacia helps to free up organs that may have been stuck to each other and also helps with bringing fresh blood and oxygen to the reproductive organs.


Acupressure comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine based on the same ideas as acupuncture, but without the needles. It involves applying pressure to a specific point on the body to bring greater balance and circulation. Many times the acupressure point is not located near the symptom.


ReflexologyReflexology is a massage technique that is applied to specific areas of your feet. There are points on the feet that correspond to a specific organ of the body. By stimulating that reflexology point you are helping to clear out congestion, blockages, and encouraging circulation and chi to flow to that organ. In Self Fertility Massage™ we work on reproductive, endocrine, and digestive reflex points.

Complimentary Therapies

Castor Oil Therapy

Castor oil therapy has been used for thousands of years as a healing therapy. Castor oil is extracted from the castor plant and is used externally on the lower abdomen. Castor oil packs are best used just prior to Self Fertility Massage.

Radiant Womb Therapeutic Massage Oil

Radiant Womb is a therapeutic massage oil designed to help support reproductive health. Infused with medicinal herbs and therapeutic essential oils, Radiant Womb can be used during Self Fertility Massage or applied directly to the lower abdomen, ankles and feet to support the reproductive system.

About the Self Fertility Massage DVD

The Self Fertility Massage™ DVD shows you step-by-step how to perform fertility massage therapy on your own body, in the privacy of your own home. Certified Massage Therapist and Master Herbalist, Hethir Rodriguez, teaches you how to use specific self massage therapy techniques to improve your fertility.
This DVD includes instruction on:
  • Reproductive Anatomy
  • Self Fertility Massage Therapies
  • Castor Oil Pack Instruction
  • Self Fertility Massage Instruction
  • Reflexology Session
  • Quick Recap, which is a quick reference for daily use

Watch a Preview of the Self Fertility Massage DVD
Self Fertility Massage DVD
Click here to purchase the Self Fertility Massage™ DVD…

Note to international customers:
We ship ‘region free’ NTSC DVDs to our international customers which can be viewed on any international DVD player, regardless of format.

Self Fertility Massage Q&A

What can I expect from the Self Fertility Massage DVD?
Well first I have to tell you that is is not a Hollywood shot movie. The DVD consists of me teaching you step-by-step how to do the Self Fertility Massage techniques. I also don’t use models in the video. I personally show you how to do the massage techniques on yourself by doing them on myself.
You can expect to learn a massage practice you can do on yourself daily. You can expect to save money by not having to find and pay a massage therapist who specializes in fertility massage (there are few). And you can expect to see a difference in your reproductive health.
Can I use the Self Fertility Massage™ techniques if I am getting IVF or if I am on fertility medications?
The techniques used in Self Fertility Massage™ may be helpful and can be used if you are preparing for a fertility procedure or on fertility medications. Let your doctor know you are using massage. The techniques are safe to use before your procedures, but discontinue them once the transfer has occurred.
Will this be easy to add to my daily routine?
Yes. We have a quick recap at the end of the DVD so you can quickly access it and follow the instructions daily until you have it memorized.
Do I have to be massage therapist to understand the techniques?
No you do not. I created this video so you can apply the techniques yourself without having to find a therapist who specializes in fertility massage. And you won’t have to pay $90 a session. You will be able to apply Self Fertility Massage from the comfort of your own home for a fraction of the cost.
How often will I have to do the massage to receive benefits?
For best results apply the Self Fertility Massage techniques on a daily basis except when you are menstruating, or after ovulation if you are currently trying to conceive. If you are currently not trying to conceive and are preparing, you can do the massage daily except during your period.
Can I use the Self Fertility Massage if I have blocked tubes?
Self Fertility Massage is one of the best natural therapies for blocked tubes as it helps to break up adhesions and increase circulation. It will take some time to see the results, but is is well worth it. You may want to also look into some of the herbs and supplements we provide for supporting the body in unblocking tubes naturally for a well rounded program.
Is Self Fertility Massage the only thing I need to do to boost my fertility?
This depends on what your fertility issue is. Please take a look at our resources to find the guide created for your particular situation. There may be some herbs that should be taken in conjunction with Self Fertility Massage for the best results.
Is Self Fertility Massage guaranteed to make me get pregnant?
While I wish I could guarantee to each and every one of you that this will no doubt make you become pregnant, that is impossible to do. I can not guarantee (legally and morally) that you will become pregnant by using the techniques in this DVD or by using any of our products. I can not place a guarantee on something we all have no control over (such as the miracle of pregnancy). What I can say is that we have helped many women realize their dream of motherhood and believe that what we provide here is a very promising and real.

Is Your Tilted Uterus Keeping you from Getting Pregnant?

The direction of your uterus has probably never crossed your mind, unless you are one of the millions of women who are trying to get pregnant and failing month after month. While the condition of having tilted uterus is not in itself problematic, it can be symptom of other pelvic issue or just an obstacle to conception. Doctors generally use the term retroversion of the uterus or malposition to describe this condition which affects about 20% off all women.

A tilted uterus can be caused by other conditions, which in themselves, can be barriers to fertility. Some of these are pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis or even pelvic surgery. The condition also seems to occur more frequently in women who are older or who have had children already. This makes it a possibility for women who are experiencing secondary unexplained infertility, which is the inability to conceive again after having children already.
Whatever the underlying cause, a tilted uterus might be one of the factors that is keeping you from getting pregnant. Some of the symptoms would be:
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Minor incontinence
  • Fertility issues
In some rare cases, doctors will perform surgery to return the uterus to its normal position, but this is not done very often because the condition can reverse itself or it doesn’t cause problems for the person who has it.
Your doctor can diagnose you with a tilted uterus during a pelvic exam and may follow up with an ultrasound imaging session to make sure that you actually have the condition and not something different.
Fibroid uterine cysts can mimic the feel of a tilted uterus during manual examination in your health care provider’s office. Once you know what you are dealing with, it will be easier to get started with a course of natural treatment that can help you overcome the fertility barrier that a tilted uterus can create.

Solutions for Tilted Uterus

A tilted uterus is a physical barrier to pregnancy and may or may not be accompanied by other problems that are keeping you from ultimately getting pregnant. There are actual things you can do to improve your fertility and increase your chances of achieving pregnancy and ultimately becoming a parent. The best solutions for this particular condition, because of its nature are self fertility massage and yoga.
Self Fertility Massage
The other solution for a mispositioned uterus that may be hindering fertility is Self Fertility Massage. These massage techniques focus on the lower pelvic region and uterus, helping to remove blockages in the area so that your body is more balances and working better. A tilted uterus may be compressed by impacted intestines, which can cut off important circulation to the uterus. The targeted massage techniques in Self Fertility Massage help restore the uterus to health.
If the cause of your tilted uterus has been endometriosis, massage is invaluable for breaking up endometrial tissue and for ridding the body of residual menstrual clots and blood that may have been unable to be flushed away during regular cycles. With regular practice of Self Fertility Massage techniques, your reproductive system will be in better balance and your cycles and ovulation will improve.
Some other body therapies to consider if they are available near you are:
  • Mayan Abdominal Massage
  • Pelvic floor physical therapy
Fertility Yoga
You might be wondering what yoga has to do with your uterus, because you may have only considered its health benefits in relaxation and increased flexibility. But, yoga has been used to treat conditions of the body for centuries and a fertility focused yoga practice might be just what you need to unlock your own fertility.
Specific moves and poses work together to unblock the reproductive areas of your body, get your hormones in balance and increase blood flow to the uterus. All of these together can help your body repair itself.
The relaxing effects of fertility yoga are also important to the process of restoring natural fertility. Couples who are struggling with infertility are under constant stress and it can be especially tough on your partner who is dealing with both his or her own disappointment and yours. Yoga practice is something that couples can engage in together and enjoy the benefits that will naturally flow from the practice.
While modern medicine continues to look for chemical and surgical cures for every type of fertility issue, there are natural non-invasive options for all the problems that fertility causes for women and their partners who are going through the journey with them. In addition to the above suggestions you may also want to improve the health of your uterus and whole body in preparation for conception. We are glad you are exploring natural therapies and learning to work with your bodies amazing healing abilities.
2.PubMed Health [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US);